Free Balanced Cement Plug Calculator at the end of this post. Check it out ! The most common placement method is the balanced plug technique. The work-string is run into the wellbore to the desired depth for the plug base. Contamination or mixing with the control fluid is avoided by the use of appropriate volumes […]
Cement Slurry design Basics
First, here is a handy table to simplify the process of cement slurry design: Additive Type Purpose Considerations Extenders IWater, Bentonite (clays), pozzolans, amorphous silica, Sodium Silicate, etc. Reduction of hydrostatic or greater economy.Lower slurry density from less than 15.8 down to 11.5 ppg, typically.Higher slurry yield (more slurry volume per sack). Change slurry rheology […]
Remedial Cementing with Coiled Tubing (animation)
Though I am far from being an animation expert, during my training courses I have always wanted to show my students a video with the complete sequence of the coiled tubing cementing process. Recently, I finally found the time and “patience” to make that very video. This will be part of a full post on […]
Is a base necessary for your Cement Plug? – Part 2
In Part 1, I mentioned why cement plugs had taken a leading role in this website. It is so relevant to do sound engineering to avoid non-productive time and reduce the risk of even more disastrous consequences, like a placement pipe stuck in hard cement. In this subsequent post, I would like to introduce a […]
Support Better Cementing for All – Empowering Oil Well Cementers
In 2016, I launched Better Cementing for All. Since then, it has been visited by many thousands – and probably by hundreds of oil well cementers. Now, I want to keep it alive. For more than 24 years, I have worked in oil well cementing, offering my services to some of the largest oil corporations […]
Workover Cementing Techniques. (3) Plug Cementing
Continuing with this series of posts covering some of the cementing techniques applicable in workover operations, I want to talk further about plug cementing. In previous posts, I have covered extensively plug cementing. This time I am providing information regarding laboratory testing and some considerations when cement plugs are intended for well abandonment. Cement Slurry […]
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