Better well cementing for all is not only the name of this website; it is my mission anywhere I go, in any country, or in any operation I provide support for, but my work is not only dedicated to the well and achieving the well objectives, which is fundamental. More importantly, the work with people and to educate teams for better understanding of cementing is what truly inspires me to find ways to encourage people to go beyond just reciting generic “good cementing practices.”.
By following the principle of continuous improvement, my goal is for people to be able to develop their own best practices, which are specific to what they do, with whom they do it, and where they do it. Overall, better well cementing is the perfect combination of the combined team’s knowledge of their own operational environment in a learning organization while having the guidance and support of a useful cementing SME to accelerate the process.
A key first step is to properly understand what is happening in a primary cement job during placement, as fluid placement is what leads to cement coverage, zonal isolation, and success.
Developing a deeper knowledge of every single operation starts with being able to visualize the fluids moving in the well, going through tools, restrictions, etc., and pushing what and where, all seen through our operational variables.
Today I am truly happy to have developed a cement placement calculator, capable of helping follow our fluids in the well. An engineering, operational, and on-the-job training tool that can be used before, during, and after the job to be better prepared, take better decisions in the heat of the operations (particularly when little changes put the initial job design in question), facilitate job facts extraction for clearer reporting, and richer post-job analysis.
This cement placement calculator accompanies me wherever I go, as I accompany teams and people to reach the goal of better well cementing.

how to get this app
I will provide details soon