Better well cementing for all is not only the name of this website; it is my mission anywhere I go, in any country, or in any operation I provide support for, but my work is not only dedicated to the well and achieving the well objectives, which is fundamental. More importantly, the work with people […]
Support Better Cementing for All – Empowering Oil Well Cementers
In 2016, I launched Better Cementing for All. Since then, it has been visited by many thousands – and probably by hundreds of oil well cementers. Now, I want to keep it alive. For more than 24 years, I have worked in oil well cementing, offering my services to some of the largest oil corporations […]
Successful Well Cementing
The case of unawareness Vs. understanding What are the consequences of knowing the outcome of your cement job? Most people would say that knowing the outcome allows the connection of execution and design with job models and assumptions — the path of perfection. To clarify, knowing the cement bond is just part of the “outcome” […]
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