Forensic is a term usually associated with crimes. Criminal forensics is the use of science to investigate a crime, but how is this applicable to Well Cementing? Actually, some well-cementing failures could easily be considered a crime, because of their effect on people, the environment, assets, and companies’ finances.
The objective is to thoroughly “collect, preserve, and analyse scientific evidence” from the design to job execution to quantify the footprint of actions and conditions leading to a job result. My “Forensic Cementing’s” ultimate objective is to produce best practices in the shortest possible time, the kind of best practices that can ensure success for you the first time. It is not a set of generic practices from the “book of cementing” or hidden actions in a so-called “oilfield mystery.”

I once heard, “Well cementing is an art,” and it felt like an insult then, and the more I live and work with well cementing, the more it continues to be. Well cementing is an engineering-based speciality part of the well construction process; it is not art. It is “knowledge” that can be understood, explained, deployed, taught, executed, and continuously improved using engineering methods.
Forensic cementing means that you can profit from past events, jobs or actions. It means that you already have the experience to convert any past poor cement job into practical actions and solutions to maximize cement coverage and zonal isolation the next time; and over and over.
Stop paying big bills to introduce technologies that you don’t need.
Monetize the knowledge you already have with Forensic Cementing Engineering to uncover the fundamental reasons for insufficient cement coverage in your particular case.

Using forensic-like techniques, Well cementing Engineering exposes the actions and conditions leading to poor results. More importantly, it provides an expert recommendation to convert these “poor results” into value-added measures and solutions to build your own BEST PRACTICE.
Remove the “oil-field-mystery factor”…
Forget about generic information …
Learn ONLY what matters in your case to switch from average or poor cementing and Zonal Isolation outcomes to the best results …
Right from the first time! No need for a squeeze!
Here are some opportunities forensic cementing offers:
– No more remedial work and associated NPT during well construction
• Cement it right the first time
– Reduce your well constructions costs
• Save rig time and 3rdparty utilization
– Optimize your cement evaluation costs
• A best practice means … earlier indication of success, don’t wait for CBL/USL
– Improve company culture
• Empower your employees with knowledge
– Reduce your company training needs
• Stop expending on generic training … every forensic cementing exercise means your employees will know and learn what your wells need
– Accelerate your learning curve
Individually and as an organization
See related content:
- What can you expect in an Expert Post-Job Analysis?
- Sample Cement Job Evaluation
- New CemPRO+ Review
- Excellent cement job, but with terrible results … how is this possible?
If there is any way I can help, let me know
L. Diaz
I’d like to enroll
You are more than welcomed, David
Very interesting insight! We can not undo the past, but they serve us with lessons. Thank you for sharing, Lenin! Gefei
Thanks Gefei, always happy to see your feedback
And thank for CemPRO+ a key tool for me during my investigations
Hello Lenin,
CST providers ?
Hi Eric, sure, please contact Mr. Kristian Harestad