First, here is a handy table to simplify the process of cement slurry design: Additive Type Purpose Considerations Extenders IWater, Bentonite (clays), pozzolans, amorphous silica, Sodium Silicate, etc. Reduction of hydrostatic or greater economy.Lower slurry density from less than 15.8 down to 11.5 ppg, typically.Higher slurry yield (more slurry volume per sack). Change slurry rheology […]
Remedial Cementing with Coiled Tubing (animation)
Though I am far from being an animation expert, during my training courses I have always wanted to show my students a video with the complete sequence of the coiled tubing cementing process. Recently, I finally found the time and “patience” to make that very video. This will be part of a full post on […]
Is a base necessary for your Cement Plug? – Part 2
In Part 1, I mentioned why cement plugs had taken a leading role in this website. It is so relevant to do sound engineering to avoid non-productive time and reduce the risk of even more disastrous consequences, like a placement pipe stuck in hard cement. In this subsequent post, I would like to introduce a […]
A Cement Plug… just get it right the first time! – Part 1
In the past, I have written extensively about plug cementing, perhaps more than any other topic on this website, and the reason is simple: cement plugs are challenging. In my case, my eyes started to open back in Mexico while attempting deep sidetrack cement plugs. An SPE resulted from that trauma in Mexico after we […]
Excellent cement job, but with terrible results … how is this possible?
We all want to achieve an excellent cement job every time, we pride ourselves in achieving this. can face a common challenge while attempting zonal isolation during primary cementing: the resulting lack of “good bond” – as measured with cement logs – across permeable zones. This is typically seen as a sudden decrease in cement […]
What can you expect in an Expert Post-Job Analysis?
Please support better well cementing. A post-job analysis is among the first steps to developing a learning organization, but what is a learning organization? Before answering this question, just very quickly, let us answer a more basic one; where does quality start? Moreover, by “quality,” I mean measurably meeting requirements, expectations or achieving objectives. Quality […]
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