The optimal cement slurry mix design principle There is one principle that I have learnt to always keep in mind when talking about designing a cement mix slurry. This principle is easy to remember: ‘the simpler, the better.’ In this context, this means using the lowest amount of additives as is reasonable, and using them […]
Wiper Plugs – Why Don’t They Always Bump?
Everybody knows why bumping the top of wiper plugs at the end of the displacement is an essential element of each successful primary cement job. It ensures only the shoe track is left with cement, and; It allows the pressure testing of the casing. First of all, a couple of questions for you: What is […]
Importance of a Pre Job Cementing Check
Introduction This page contains a pre-job cementing check that you’re welcome to copy and implement into your own process. During my first years in the industry, I quickly realized the importance of proper planning and preparation before a cementing operation. For such an important, short and intense task, being ready and organized is the most […]
Cementers Group for Oil and Gas: Join Us
A notice to all cementers in the oil and gas industry! We warmly invite you to our private but friendly online group for cementers. If you are a Cementer / Cement Service Operator / Cement Service Supervisor / Cementing Specialist / Pressure Pumping Operator / Pressure Pumping Supervisor, this is the group for you. This is […]
Cementing Equipment from Serva SJS Limited
There’s a huge wealth of cementing equipment out there, and even to seasoned cementers and engineers, it can be overwhelming to know which is best. In this post, we will begin to look at some of the best options for cementing equipment currently available on the market, as posted by the original manufacturer. This time, […]
What’s the Best Cement Unit? Ask Cement Supervisors
Cementing supervisors ‘chat by the water cooler’ Any professional can take their machinery and equipment for granted. For a cementing specialist, the most essential item is a cement unit. A few days ago I was part of a joyful conversation between cementing supervisors, and we were talking about cementing equipment and their capabilities. I remember several cool and […]
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