Well, this is the question:
Was it a good or bad cement job?
The final answer will depend on the objectives of the job. We ask ourselves, were they met? In most cases, additional information is required, like a cement evaluation log, a pressure test or even further data during the well’s completion.
However, some immediate signs can indicate if the deployment of the cement went to plan.
Cement job success checklist
Here are seven things to consider, to determine if the cement job was good or bad:
1. What was the Final Circulating Pressure (FCP)?
2. Is the FCP lower or higher than expected (compared with simulation results)?
3. What were the volumes of cementing fluids pumped?
- Spacer or pre-flush, and cement slurries (lead and Tail) should be as per the well specific cement program.
- Use hand calculations to double check that the values are correct.
4. Were there any losses during the cement job?
- The mud engineer will provide this number
5. Were there any Returns? Where they excessive? What was the maximum density of the Returns?
- The mud engineer will provide this number
6. Was the top plug Bumped?
7. Did the float equipment work?
- Check the float equipment as described in the well specific cement program, and the drilling program if you have both documents.
Do you have any more questions?
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